When can I expect my package?
If you order before 17:30 PM, it will be shipped the same day. View more information on this page.
How are your packages shipped?
All our shipments are packaged discreetly and anonymously. The packaging does not show where it comes from or what is in it. In addition, all our orders are shipped in boxes. Do you have any questions? Then take contact without obligation.
When will I receive my Track and Trace?
When your order is shipped you will receive an email with Track and Trace. You will receive this email when your order has left, this will be on Monday to Friday in the afternoon.
What's on my bank statement?
When you place an order at Dokterfeest.nl, your order will be packaged discreetly and sent anonymously. This means that the name on the bank statement cannot be traced back to Dokterfeest.nl.
Do you also ship abroad?
Yes, of course! We ship to almost all countries within the EU. Note: This is entirely at your own risk! View on this page to see which countries we ship to.
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